The Scripture this is based on is Romans 8:6-11
I have two questions to conclude with:
Did God really say? And, Is all this fair?
Did God really say? This is the doubt Satan sows. It worked splendidly with Eve, so why abandon a winning formula? Did God really say human nature is wicked? Did God really say you’re sinful? Did God really say only He is good? If I think I’m a good person who doesn’t need God, that’s the devil whispering, Did God really say? If I think Jesus didn’t need to die for me because I’m innocent, that’s the devil whispering, Did God really say? If I think Jesus isn’t the only way to God, that’s the devil whispering, Did God really say? If I think there’s a kingdom of darkness for bad people, a kingdom of Heaven for Christians, but there’s a middle ground for good non-Christians, that’s the devil whispering, Did God really say? It seems naive and nasty that nice, decent people who don’t believe in Jesus, are God’s enemies who can’t please Him. But Paul lays that on thick (and therefore I am compelled to do the same). This should lead us to preach the gospel to give those who are out the chance to get in.
The second question: Is all this fair? Is it fair that I’m condemned because my ancestors sinned? Is it fair I live in a messed up world because someone I never met ate some fruit? Is it fair that God condemns me for being human, something I can’t help? Is it fair that God gets the blame for bad things that happen in the world? Is it fair that He who gives us life and everything good is maligned, dismissed, disobeyed? Is it fair that Jesus died on a cross for our sins, though He’d done no wrong? Is it fair that I get to spend eternity with God when I don’t deserve to?
In every case, no! A fallen world isn’t fair. We can’t make it fair. We’re wholly inadequate to do it in a just way. God has a better way than fairness. It’s called grace. Grace is better than fairness. Grace gives what isn’t deserved. For God’s grace, we must be grateful. Fair would see us condemned; grace sees us redeemed. And with the Spirit’s help, we should live a life of grace.
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