Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Mr Glass Half Full

Mr Who?
Well, that is obviously not my real name! Here's the story of why I chose it...

Most of my life I have tended towards being negative, miserable, and unhappy. Don't go away!!!! Bear with... My name, dear readers, is Paul and I am a recovering pessimist! I've always loved messing around with words and when I was a teenager I had CB Radio. Miserable me chose the handle The Optimist as a joke. Because I was anything but!

When I got onto Twitter in 2011 after a while I chose MrGlassHalfFull as my Twitter name. However, this time it was not a joke. No, I was still largely negative and miserable, but this time I used the name as a statement of intent! At various points in my life I have been able to overcome a little bit of something from the negative spectrum of thoughts. Now I was going for it! I didn't want to be like that any more. This is a key stage in changing - you gotta WANT to! Sometimes we don't. We prefer the "comfort in being sad" (RIP Kurt Cobain). But that is a cold comfort.

What I want to do with this blog is share some things from my life and hopefully encourage anyone who wants to journey to happiness. Some of us find it harder than others to break through into bliss. I am no health professional or psychotherapist - just a guy who has slowly been breaking free and has now the motivation to share with others.

Paulie B, aka MGHF


  1. My, oh my!
    I have always wondered why the name meaning, and now I'm stunned!!! I loved this!
    Happiness is something we all day we want, but you are sure right when you say you actually have to WANT it!!
    My blessings are with you; I know this is going far! By going far, I mean going where God wants it!
    I know it will be a blessing to many!!
    Stay awesome my friend! :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Pauline B..So glad you decided to share your journey with Christ. Very encouraging, thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Debbie. That's very kind of you. (Although it's Paul, not Pauline 🙂 - I'd blame autocorrect personally) I'm glad you found it encouraging and I am blessed you took the time to read it and let me know. I am planning to post to this blog every Saturday if you if you want to stay with it.

    2. Sorry! Paul..Too funny..I should have checked before I posted. It must have been autocorrect can cause crazy texts results also...especially if I do not have on my reading glasses :-)

    3. Happens to us all 🙂 - however, I can't blame it for telling you I'm posting here on Saturdays when i meant Wednesdays! (Oops)
